The Trap of Michael Chain

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The Trap of Michael Chain.png
Episode information
Episode number 7
Japanese title ???
Japanese romanization ???
English translation The Trap of Michael Chain

The Trap of Michael Chain is the seventh episode of the anime F-Zero: GP Legend.

Plot Synopsis

At Bart Lemming's restaurant, the Falcon House, Rick Wheeler hears news on TV that an F-Zero pilot was reported missing and was last seen on planet Brand, and that this pilot and two others who were missing are the most recent Grand Prix winners. An mid-teen girl whom Rick has never met gives Rick his coffee, and introduces herself as Dream. She and her boyfriend are big fans of Rick, and have tickets to the next Mute City Grand Prix. Bart tells Rick to be careful at the race since the winners of the last three races have gone missing. Rick assures Bart he'll be fine, and almost blows his secret of the Galaxy Police. At the last lap of the race, Super Arrow tries to hit Rick, but Rick boosts out of the way causing Super are to spin right into the guardrail, leaving Rick to win the race. The Galaxy Police celebrate at the station while debating why Rick raced harder than usual at that race. Rick claims it's because he wants to find the kidnapper, and walks away from the celebration leaving the rest of the platoon to wonder if that's the real reason.

As Rick drives along, he sees a nice looking and centuries old car with tires, and the car happens to have Dream and her rich boyfriend driving. An F-Zero gang then shows up and surrounds the old car. Dream's boyfriend goes down one road to get away from them, without success, and Rick accidentally goes down another lane. Later, the F-Zero gang terrorizes the two in the car and are about to harm them, but Super Arrow and Mrs. Arrow show up with his pet robot owl wearing glasses and a monocle, whose name is Zukk. Super Arrow tries to look heroic, but stumbles over and embarrasses himself. The gang is ready to beat on Super Arrow, Mrs. Arrow and Zukk, but Rick drives in front of them and beats the entire gang one by one. Zukk, with its ability to talk, then tells the middle-aged Super Arrow that he should retire. Dream and her boyfriend named Torukamu are grateful and invite Rick and the Arrows to Dream's birthday party. Rick tells the platoon about the invitation and asks the others to come along, but only he and Lucy decide to go. Dr. Stewart is more worried about the Arrows because he heard that they only joined the Grand Prix because they happened to come across a pair of F-Zero machines.

At the party, Torukamu talks about when he first met Dream ten days prior. A flashback begins showing Torukamu laying unconscious on a street. Dream is at his side telling him to wake up. It's love at first sight for Torukamu when he first sees Dream, who takes him to the hospital. After the flashback, Dream states that she loves Torukamu because she just knew he was the one, and that people need no reason to love someone, they just love. At the base, Tabaka panics over the hassles given to him about finding the missing pilots. Before Jody convinces Tanaka to get a hold of himself, she theorizes that someone from the Grand Prix may be responsible. The Chief then calls for Tanaka who finally calms down as he goes in to see the Chief. Tanaka unwittingly grovels to an exact stone duplicate of the Chief, embarrassing himself in front of both the Chief and Mr. Kaselin, the president of the robot consortium, who called for the police to search for his missing daughter who came to Mute City two weeks ago. Kaselin gives Tanaka a scratched up picture of what appears to be Dream.

Back at the party, Torumaku invites everyone but Dream to go see something. Super Arrow deducts that Dream is not invited because Torumaku wants to show them her birthday present. Torumaku fibs and says Arrow is correct. But when they go downstairs, Dream tries to get up but is scolded at by one of the waiters. Torumaku then traps Rick, Lucy, and the Arrows in a red laser cage down in the basement. Rick figures out that Torumaku is the kidnapper, and Torumaku tells them that he's following gang leader Michael Chain's orders. A flashback shows the time Torumaku met Chain in a dark alley surrounded by the F-Zero gang. Chain tells Torukamu that if he keeps his end of a deal they made concerning kidnapping pilots, Torukamu can keep the house and he can marry Dream. Rick tells him that Dream won't want to marry him because she will find out, but Torukamu won't hear it. When he goes upstairs, he sees Dream tied up, and yells at the waiter/gang member for bringing Dream into it and says that he kept his end of the deal. As the waiter goes downstairs to check, Torumaku unties Dream.

Meanwhile, the platoon is looking for Dream. Jack goes to the Falcon House and asks Bart Lemming if he's seen her. At the mansion, Torumaku explains the situation to Dream, and Dream says she loves him because she treated her with kindness even though she is poor, and if Torumaku keeps doing this, he will lose her. In the basement, Rick suggests Super Arrow should use Zukk to get them out of there. Zukk flies straight into the laser, electrifying him. Super Arrow reaches out for Zukk in despair, but in a comedic scene, ends up electrocuting himself too. Super Arrow then tries to use his sword to cut through the lasers, and succeeds. Super Arrow then sees HIMSELF sleeping on the floor, and then wakes up himself realizing he was dreaming as a result of the previous electrocution. Torumaku comes in with Dream and sets everyone free in his guilt. Two gang/waiters come in to teach Torumaku a lesson, but Rick is the one who gives both of the waiters a lesson.

Rick and the others get out of the house, but Chain's gang blocks their entrance. A fight begins between the pilots and the gang, a fight in which Super Arrow finally does something heroic by jumping in the air and causing two gang members to ram into each other. Chain finally brings out his guns and prepares to shoot Rick, but Zukk gets into Michael Chain's face, giving Rick the opportunity to kick him in the face. As soon as police sirens are hgeard, Chain and the gang get away. Dream then proffesses her entire love for Torumaku. Some time later when Rick and the others are having tea, Jody and Mr. Kaselin come in. Dream tells her father that she will not marry any man that Mr. Kaselin chooses and will marry Torumaku instead. Mr. Kaselin is surprisingly alright with this.

In the final scene, Dream and Torumaku are married and are ready to start a happy life together.




  • In one scene, Rick prepares to punch Michael Chain, but the next scene shows Rick kicking him instead.