F-Zero Wiki talk:Affiliates

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Is this open to non-independent wikis? I run Kid Icarus Wiki (http://kidicarus.wikkii.net/w/) which is hosted by Wikkii. --Vhehs2 16:32, 23 April 2011 (UTC)

I apologize, but i don't know if we will be affiliating with non-independent wiki's. While i personally have nothing against you, your wiki or Wikkii as a whole; it might be a little suspicious to affiliate with a non-independent wiki, given we are on NIWA's servers.
If however, you do become independent in some form (moving, merging, etc), then you will have my vote as well as probably all other support needed.
Thank you for your interest, Tacopill 12:12, 24 April 2011 (UTC).